Kenya’s richest: Who are they & how did they make their money?

1).Gethere wa Mbugwa family (property in Nai & Mombasa) 2).Manu Chandaria (EA match co, Kaluworks and the 2billion dollaz a year mabati)
3). Simeon Nyachea ( Kabansora, Prime bank)
4) Anoop Vohra(Sarova Hotels/Athi river mining co / the Avenue Park estate)
5). Kentan Somaia (UTC group of hotels)
6). ‘sir’ Charles Njonjo: (CFC bank, CMC, an 200 hao estate in Kitasuru- lakeside I think, it’s right next to Kibaki’s estate, Car & General, shares in BA, Barclays Bank

How to Get In The Mood When You're Too Stressed For Sex

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet. What you put into your body can make you feel energized and light, or sluggish and stressed. A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, protein and whole foods can actually reduce your stress level, increase your energy, and help your body look and feel better. This will go a long way toward getting you in the mood.
  2. Exercise. You may think you’re too busy or tired to exercise, but exercise

FUNNY BUTT FAKE Sign Language Interpreter At Mandela Memorial

An interpreter who was seen by millions of television viewers worldwide translating Nelson Mandela's memorial service into sign language was a 'fake', according to South Africa's deaf federation.

The unidentified man, who was

Sex as a Stress Management Technique

Sex and stress are linked in several ways. Most of us instinctively know this already, and feel it unmistakably when a particularly stressful week or two zaps us of our sex drive. But while stress can have a hand in low libido, it can also be a great stress reliever, which is why jokes about uptight bosses needing a good roll in the hay are always good for at least one knowing chuckle. Have you ever wondered how much truth there was to the idea that a healthy sex life works nicely as a stress salve? Here’s some research on stress and sex:

A Good Husband - 10,000 attributes

A good husband…
Knows you cannot lead others simply by good intentions
Knows, if he is followed, it is because of his character
Is purpose-driven    
Is accountable
Knows that a bad husband cannot be a good father
Is self-disciplined

3 Strategies for Radically Better Decision Making

Manage Your Emotions

Decision making is an emotional event. Emotions bog you down and cloud your ability to make good decisions. Medical science has shown that we make decisions emotionally, not rationally. The data behind this theory points to a small, almond-shaped part of the brain called the amygdala.

Step-By-Step Guidelines on How to Maintain Peace and Harmony in Kenya

First and foremost, before driving at guidelines to maintain peace in Kenya, people should know the cause of the problem. From research and visibility study dictates that Kenya problem is traced to evolve from politics. At time passed in the 2007 presidential election broke out fracas and devastating situation that drove Kenya backward economically and politically.