What the Size of Your Pinkie Says About Your personality

Type A // On the Line

If your pinkie falls right on the top line of your ring finger:

- You keep your feelings guarded and you aren’t very open with strangers. However, once you feel connected to someone, you are a deeply emotional person with the ones you trust.

- You can be a bit arrogant, but you do NOT suffer fools.

- You despise lies, hypocrisy, and dishonesty because it goes against your beliefs.

- You like to present yourself as more independent and tough than you actually are deep down.

- You are known to be a bit eccentric.

- You have a big heart, and you like to help others.

- You are a diligent worker; you’re very driven and will complete any task you’re given.

- You’re extremely expressive, which makes it difficult to conceal your feelings.

Type B // Below the Line

If your pinkie falls below the top line of your ring finger:

- You’re shy and reserved, so you don’t like to be the first one to approach someone.

- In relationships, you are very loyal and devoted; your partner gets a lot of loving attention from you.

- Deep down you have a very sensitive soul.

- People are always coming to you to keep secrets because you’re GOOD at it.

- Oftentimes, people think you’re a little aloof, but you’re usually just trying to protect someone’s feelings.

- Once you set your mind on something, you are committed to seeing it all the way through

- You’re very afraid of getting hurt.

- You give the impression that you don’t need anyone, but you secretly dream of finding your soulmate.

- You always remain calm in the midst of chaos

Type C // Above the Line

If your pinkie falls above the top line of your ring finger:

- You’re not one to hold a grudge, not much makes you upset.

- You’re uncomfortable with the unknown; you definitely don’t like surprises.

- People would describe you as open-minded, you are very respectful of other’s opinions.

- You can be a little bossy and get worked up during arguments, but you are always the first to apologize afterward.

- Something that’s difficult for your partner is that you’re very closed down; you don’t like to share your feelings.

- You’re a straight-shooter, so you prefer to surround yourself with honest people.

How accurate was your pinkie finger palm reading? Share your results and how correct they are in the comments section.