WhatsApp etiquette - Politics and Religion 2

Politics and religion are two very controversial, divisive and emotional subjects. Every person has their own view on different subjects and rarely come to a common understanding.

To minimise confusion, learn to keep off (or at least minimize) these two topics in both professional and large groups (i.e WhatsApp) where people share different opinions towards the two. 

If you must address them, do so in such a way that you don't necessarily belittle your colleagues/other members who share a different opinion from yours, as this will lead to heated exchanges and worse still, members will withdraw from the group because of shifting from the purpose the group was created for. 

As much as we work and live in political environments, not everyone one of us is interested in politics itself. On religion, some people prefer not to talk so much/anything about it.

It's just a matter of being sensitive to others. 

We are in many political and religious forums, let's utilize those to air our views out to people who will appreciate, reciprocate and won't get offended.

Yours truly,

Jeremiah Mauti