Habits of Unhappy People; Depression Signs.

Depression is more than just sadness and lots of crying. It’s a constant numb feeling that never really goes away, even when someone engages in activities that they used to enjoy. Here are the signs.

1. Talent and Expressive

Don’t misunderstand this to mean that sadness and depression can make you a more skilled person. However, there is a correlation between those who are expressive in their everyday lives and higher risks of depression.
No one knows for sure, but it could be because they’re so attuned with their moods and feelings that they tend to be more receptive towards negative emotions as well. Other people think that expressive people tend to judge themselves more harshly than people who work in less-expressive occupations. It’s tough to say.

2. High Defense Mechanisms

People who are more prone to depression tend to have higher walls around themselves, emotionally. This is because they don’t want other people to know that something is wrong, so they act fine to keep people at a distance.
They start to learn that they’re very good at hiding their emotions and will use that as a defense mechanism so that no one asks any questions. In fact, they may seem extraordinarily upbeat, bouncy, and very lively. This habit is dangerous for everyone since no one will see the smaller signs that they need help and won’t know anything’s wrong until it’s too late.

3. Issues with Abandonment

People experiencing depression have a hard enough time trying to let people into their lives. That’s because they don’t want someone else to see them at their worst. However, on the small chances that they do let someone in, it can be a lot for that person to take in and they choose to walk away.

That can be difficult for a depressed person to take, as they soon start to believe that everyone’s going to leave them eventually. It also creates the false belief that their depression will only drive other people away and that it should be kept a secret from the world so that other people will want to be around them.

4. Weird Eating Habits

The reason that eating is such a focal point for sufferers is that it’s something that they can control. They can choose to ignore their hunger pains, or they can shovel as much food into their faces as they want. It’s also proven that eating foods that aren’t particularly good for you, such as sugary or fried foods, releases more serotonin into the body. Serotonin is responsible for alleviating moods and reducing anxiety, and that can become like a craving for those with depression.

5. Weird Sleeping Habits

Sleeping too much or not enough seems to be the pattern for those suffering from depression. Because the body is out of synch with itself, the brain doesn’t know how to react and either released too much melatonin or not enough.
Sleep is the second important element to good health, both physically and mentally. The problem here is that rest is also another element that the sufferer has control over. Being able to control at least one thing in their life gives that person some amount of power when they feel like everything else is spiraling out of control.

6. Over-Thinking Things

Because people with depression are not in control of their thoughts, they can quickly run away with them. They’re always swimming in a pool of thoughts and emotions, analyzing everything to see what the best outcome will be.
Their minds can be a little messy and crowded, at the expense of everything else going on in their lives. This over-thinking can lead to some necessities being forgotten or omitted from their daily schedule altogether. Take care not to point it out to them as this may cause them to regress and hide their problems even further.

7. Self-Reliant

Those with depression tend to look to themselves to solve their problems. They don’t seek outside help because they want to feel that sense of control over the situation before them.
Many people consider this to be a good trait, as they’re self-reliant, but it can actually be quite detrimental to their psyches. Relying on only themselves 100% of the time can get tiring, and even if there’s some sense of fulfillment for completing a job on their own, that feeling never lasts long for a depressed person.

8. Always Ready for the Worst

Depressed people are always prepared for the worst to happen. Instead of being hopeful and looking for the silver linings, they always and only expect the worst to happen.
They may tell you that they’re just realistic about expectations, but when those expectations are always in the negative, and then you should realize that something is wrong. It might be time to sit down and have a talk with them, but don’t force things if they don’t seem interested. Depressed people can get somewhat defensive about their emotions.

9. Habitual Remedies

People with depression like to keep a routine; that way, they can continue exerting some control over their lives. Even if someone is taking medication and seeking therapy for their depression, there are habits they’re going to practice in their everyday lives to keep moving in the right direction.
It could simple habits such as going for walks at the same time every day, listening to music, or doing exercise. It’s these simple exercises that keep them out of falling into those sinking feelings again that serve as the lifesavers to stop them from focusing on intrusive thoughts.

10. Cover-Up Stories

Depressed people most time don’t want other people to know the truth, so they become experts at covering things up. They make up stories about their behavior, their change in appearance, or why there are scars on their arms.
This need to distract from the truth is a dangerous thing; it makes it hard for other people to determine that they need help, especially if they don’t know what to look for. Moreover, by the person playing it off as nothing, they’re also not accepting that they’re at a low point and should be looking for help.

11. Heightened Perception of Life and Death

Not very many people understand that depression doesn’t always lead to suicide. After all, that’s all we hear about in the news. However, what depression does is skew one’s perception of life and death.
The concept of one’s mortality usually comes to mind during moments of crisis or desperation. Also, with the fluctuation of moods, going in and out of these mindsets frequently can make these thoughts more prevalent.

12. Intense Understanding of Substances

Someone who is control of their depression is going to be more adamantly aware of what’s going into their bodies. They may express a level of knowledge about substances that seems higher than the average person should have.
They’re aware that sugars and caffeine are uppers for their moods, and what medications will adversely affect them. They know what medications they shouldn’t be mixing with foods too to cause an adverse reaction. It’s a responsibility they realize they can’t share with anyone else as they have to take care of their own minds.

13. Searching for a Purpose

Many of those who are depressed are searching for a purpose or meaning in their lives. They need to find something that they consider worthwhile doing so that they can feel like they’re moving in the right direction.
This notion is because feelings of inadequacy and fear are active in the depressed mind, which they yearn for validation of some kind in the activities they’re doing. It’s their way of trying to make themselves happy that doesn’t involve seeking help from others.

14. Seek Love and Acceptance

As with finding a purpose, they’re also trying to find love and acceptance from those around them. They may strive to be a people-pleaser so that other people will like them.
Also, it’s that seeking love and acceptance that they hide their inner demons. They want to be attractive to other people so that they can be seen as a friend. Not everyone is equipped to deal with the ugly head of depression, so it’s kept hidden to spare others from that discomfort. The goal is not to be dishonest, but to appear as the best version of them possible.

15. Subtle Cries for Help

When you think of a depressed person, you think of someone that wants to be alone all the time and doesn’t want to talk to anyone. That’s partly true. Depressed people may generally pull away from other people most of the time, but there are some instances where their depression becomes too much to deal with on their own. 
Look for those moments when they choose to open up and talk about their conditions. These are the most crucial times where they’re crying for help. Try to meet them halfway but don’t react with anger. That will make them withdraw and not want to talk about it ever again.

16. Lifestyle Changes

If you know someone who doesn’t exercise regularly and then see them suddenly start going for a job every day, they could be dealing with depression on their own. Engaging in some activity makes it easy for them to focus on something else other than their moods.
Engaging in these activities helps to release endorphins, which can make the body feel better overall. This rush can cause them to seek it out more and more so that they start engaging in these activities more often.

17. Avoidance

People with depression can sometimes choose to avoid everything. People, places, and even essential appointments that they have, they don’t want anything to do with anything. This can significantly affect their lives, as they also skip paying their bills or going to classes. Depression is a horrible, cruel monster that makes it easy for people’s lives to be ruined.
Avoiding regular activities and seeing people makes it easier for them, as they don’t have to pretend that everything is okay. Especially on those exhausting days when everything feels like too much, they may choose just to sleep all day instead.

18. Compulsive Behaviors

Many people with depression can start taking up compulsive, obsessive behaviors. Again, this is the need to exert some control over their lives that they felt have spiraled out of control. Some people may take multiple showers a day just because it’s the only way they know how to relax and feel good, while some people may engage in harmful behavior, such as trichotillomania (pulling out hair).
These behaviors may be difficult to notice at first if you don’t spend much time around that person. However, if you’re aware of what their normal day-to-day lives are like, then you’d have a better understanding of what seems out of the ordinary.

19. Steering Conversations Away From Themselves

When people are depressed, the last thing they want to do is talk about them. They don’t want to admit to others that their lives are less than perfect and that they’ll be judged for their behavior or not reaching out for help.
That’s why they tend to conversations more towards other people than themselves. They prefer actively listening to people’s lives than contemplating their own and how screwed up everything seems to be. Alternatively, worse, having to put those feelings into words and hoping they’re not judged for them.

20. Avoiding Eye Contact

People who live with depression tend to have very low senses of self-esteem. They see themselves as below other people and not worthy of their attention.
That’s why most people find it hard to make eye contact with other people during a conversation. They tend to look down or at anything else that’s in the room that they can focus their gaze. It makes it easier for them to keep separated from the person they’re speaking with.

21. Reacting Unexpectedly Negatively

Dealing with depression can be a tiring experience. There are explanations for every aspect of your life, not wanting people to discover the truth, and trying to figure out how to fix the problem on their own.
Handling all of this by themselves builds up over time that when the smallest thing happens, that breaks the camel’s back, it’s interpreted as overreacting. This sudden outburst is a sign that something is definitely wrong and that they’re overwhelmed with something. It’s more than just being in a bad mood.

22. Disappearing for Long Periods

Someone dealing with depression and trying to deal with it on their own may disappear for long periods. They may choose to disappear for a while, either by staying at home or going on a sudden drive somewhere without telling anyone.
Coming to terms with depression on their own can become overwhelming that they need to take a break from everything else to stop themselves from falling apart. If you notice this pattern in someone you know, then it may be time to intervene to see if everything is okay.

Important Life tips. You can add to the list.

1. If you go to a place where visitors sign in and out, please ensure you sign in and out. That record could come back to save you from death.

2. Whenever you shop for anything even in a supermarket or a petrol station keep the receipts for a couple of days. You may need them not just to prove you did the purchases, but also that you were in that shopping mall at that time.

3. Whenever you go for a wedding or any public gathering and those freelance photographers take pictures, please buy a few in which you feature.

4. If someone leaves you in their office or house, do not leave till they come back.

5. Whenever you enter a place that is CCTV monitored, look up straight to the camera (and smile).

6. When talking to someone who is inside a car and you are outside, don't lay your fingers on it.

7. Whenever you append your signature on any paper, ensure there is a date and if there isn't, write it down next to the signature.

8. Always keep note of the approximate times, especially when you make or receive calls.

9. Always photocopy an original document and keep the copy, no matter how small it may be.

10. Whenever you fill in a form or document, fill in all the blank spaces.

11. If possible always use different ink from others.

12. Always ensure you get ATM receipts and keep them for as long as you can.

13. When walking in the streets and you encounter a mob justice keep as far away as possible. If the victim dies a picture taken at the scene could just be enough to fix you as one or the only murder suspect even if you were just passing by.

14. If possible never accept cash. insist on cheques or other recordable modes of payment.



By: Thuku

Overtaking - Do's and Don'ts


What is overtaking? - catch up with and pass while travelling in the same direction.

Overtaking is allowed in Kenya and there are provisions made for this act.

Things to do for safer overtaking

1. Prepare well for this calculation - you are having human lives that you are driving, there are human lives in all the other vehicle you  are overtaking.

2. Respect all the traffic signs and road Marks on the road - especially along the stretch where you want to overtake. If the road Marks say do not overtake please do not. If the traffic signs says do not overtake please do not.

3. Indicate to alert all road users of your intent. - turn signals or indicators are a communication system for road users. Drivers can't shout to be heard but indicators are clearly seen.

4. Check your side mirror immediately after indicating to see if its clear. Then check out for oncoming traffic. At this time you MUST HAVE GIVEN A GOOD DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND THE VEHICLE YOU WANT TO OVERTAKE so that incase you are not making through with your move you have good room to come back.

5. Make sure you see the driver of the vehicle you want to overtake on their own side mirrors. Flash your lights and makes sure they are aware of your presence and acknowledge your intent.

6. Watch their reaction and Indication. In Kenya we keep left. If they indicate the right side it means they are warning you of on coming traffic. Remember you are in their blindspot and there is something they see that you don't see. If they indicate the left it means it's clear and they are giving you greenlight to proceed with your intention.

7.The overtaking vehicle must keep a sufficient distance from the side between his vehicle and the vehicle or light rail vehicle that is being overtaken

8. When you have done your maneuver well please don't cut immediately to the lane. Please give a good distance between the vehicle you have overtook. Allow them have a good stopping and braking distance.



If it's prohibited, e.g. you'll see this sign
no overtaking sign or a continuous road mark.

If you can't see at least 100m of clear road ahead of you during the whole overtaking manoeuvre.

If someone else has already started to overtake you.

If overtaking would cause you to break the speed limit.

If you are turning left immediately afterwards and would cause vehicles you've overtaken to have to brake.

If you have to use a median strip, bus lane or bike lane.

If you are crossing a railway crossing.

If you have to cross double white lines when the solid line is the one closest to you.

Please avoid being on the wrong laneat the wrong time. And it causes you to break the speed limit

Road safety is a message of love and only those who have true love will share it with you

Let's make our roads a safer place for all road users.

Top Ten

Top 10 Sites for your career:

1. LinkedIN
2. Indeed
3. Careerealism
4. Job-Hunt
5. JobBait
6. Careercloud
7. GM4JH
8. Personalbrandingblog
9. Jibberjobber
10. Neighbors-helping-neighbors

 Top 10 Tech Skills in demand in 2019:

1. Machine Learning
2. Mobile Development
3. SEO/SEM Marketing
4. Data Visualization
5. Data Engineeringj
6. UI/UX Design
7. Cyber-security
8. Cloud Computing/AWS
9. Blockchain
10. IOT

Top 10 Sites for Free Online Education:

1. Coursera
2. edX
3. Khan Academy
4. Udemy
5. iTunesU Free Courses
6. MIT OpenCourseWare
7. Stanford Online
8. Codecademy
9. Open Culture Online Courses

 Top 10 Sites to learn Excel for free:

1. Microsoft Excel Help Center
2. Excel Exposure
3. Chandoo
4. Excel Central
5. Contextures
6. Excel Hero
7. Mr. Excel
8. Improve Your Excel
9. Excel Easy
10. Excel Jet

Top 10 Sites to review your resume for free:

1. Zety Resume Builder
2. Resumonk
3. Resume dot com
4. VisualCV
5. Cvmaker
6. ResumUP
7. Resume Genius
8. Resumebuilder
9. Resume Baking
10. Enhancv

 Top 10 Sites for Interview Preparation:

1. Ambitionbox
2. AceTheInterview
3. Geeksforgeeks
4. Leetcode
5. Gainlo
6. Careercup
7. Codercareer
8. InterviewUp
9. InterviewBest
10. Indiabix

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Laws on Public Participation in Kenya

The provisions on public participation in Kenya contained in this Act affect the county governments.

Section 113: Makes public participation in county planning processes compulsory.

Section 87: Stipulates the principles of public participation. They include timely access to information and reasonable access to planning and policy making process.

Section 88: Citizens have a right to petition the county government on any matter under the responsibility of the county government.

Section 89: County government authorities, agencies, and agents have a duty to respond expeditiously to petitions and challenges from citizens.

Section 90: A county government may conduct a local referendum on among other local issues— county laws and petitions, or planning and investment decisions affecting the county for which a petition has been raised and duly signed by at least twenty five percent of the registered voters where the referendum is to take place.

Section 91: The county government shall facilitate the establishment of modalities, and platforms for citizen participation e.g. town hall meetings, IT based technologies and establishment of citizen fora at county and decentralized units.

Sections 94, 95, 96: Counties are to establish mechanisms to facilitate public communication and access to information using media with the widest public outreach. Every county shall designate an office for ensuring access to information.

Sections 100 and 101: County governments should create an institutional framework for civic education.

There are many other laws that make public participation in Kenya as their central pillar. They include:

Urban Areas Act Sections 21 and 22: Overarching theme is participation by the residents in the governance of urban areas and cities. The Second Schedule of the Act provides for the rights of, and participation by residents in affairs of their city or urban areas.

Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2015 Section 68(3), 125(5), 138, and 179: Emphasis on transparency of the procurement process including requirements for procuring entities to publicly avail procurement records after closure of proceedings, publicize notice of intention to enter into contract on websites and public notice boards, publish, and publicize all contract awards.

8 Leadership Styles... Which one is yours? 🤔

  1. Though every leader has a “go-to” style, most of us have a few that we rely on. If you believe that’s the case for you, select one or two supplemental styles here. Recognizing all your styles, and learning when to use which, can help you succeed in a wider variety of leadership contexts.

Signs of Intelligent People.

1. They have few friends
They might have lot of acquaintances, but they are careful to choose friends who are at their level of intelligence.

2. They hate small talk
They prefer deep and thoughtful conversations instead of talking about the weather, about how rich someone is or the latest trends.

3. They are good listeners and they talk less
They know they have more to learn in listening than in speaking. So they shut their mouth and open wide their eyes and ears.

4. They are curious
They google everything, ask any questions, search every subject. They can easily learn from anyone whether younger than them or not up to their standard, they don’t care.

5. They enjoy loneliness
They sit by themselves to practice their craft, to reflect about themselves, their values and their objectives rather than waste time with people who won’t add anything positives to their lives.

6. They invest on themselves
They know their mind is their most valuable tool. Thus, instead of chasing money, fame or whatever, they go on improving themselves.

7. They are long-term oriented
They don’t care about immediate pleasure for later gratification; they take hard decisions that would pay off in the long run.
They prefer to get the cake tomorrow than get a fish roll today.

8. They don’t mind people’s opinion
They have goals and a mission of life and stick to it no matter what people think. They doon’t go around looking for who to like them, rather they appreciate themselves.

9. They are risk takers
They know a fulfilling life is beyond their comfort zone. So they are willing to take necessary steps to fulfill their dreams.

10. They are not judgmental
Don’t judge people for whatever reasons. They don’t know what is going on in their life, so they would rather keep shut than talk about people when the need to talk arises.

11. They are humble
They know how skilled they are, they know they are learned, but they will be laymen in many other areas, so they are dead loyal knowing they are not the Boss in all areas.
They know millions of people are richer, so they don’t let their little change/money get into their head.

12. They work hard
They know talent is not enough. So they work every day to be the better version of themselves. They take nothing for granted.

13. They take care of their health
They know their health is their most important asset. They eat properly, exercise regularly, sleep well and relax.

14. They are lifelong learners
They know learning is a lifelong process that does not stop at school or college.
They travel the world, meet new people, learn new languages, and embrace novel experiences.

15. They have a sense of humor
They don’t take life too seriously. They laugh at themselves and make people around laugh

16. They know people are important
They are intelligent enough to know they are not better than any body and believe no one is lesser to them

17. They don’t things too personal
They also don’t take lists like this serious, they don’t really brag and care less about the glory.

The End!!

Do you have some or all of these habits?
If you do, statistics show you are a very intelligent person.
Do you have these qualities and do you think it defines the intelligence of an average individual?
Let’s hear your thoughts below!!

Avocado - Why You Should Eat One Every Day

If there is one thing we can all agree on when it comes to fruits, is that avocado is somewhere on top of the list thanks to its incredible taste as well as health beneficial properties such as minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Studies have revealed that consuming avocados on a regular basis can actually provide our bodies with numerous benefits, which is why in this article we are going to tell you more about the fruit, and give you 13 more reasons to consume avocados every day.

1.Quality Nutritional Profile
For many unfamiliar, a single serving of avocado provides over 20 of the crucial vitamins, minerals and properties our body needs to function properly throughout the day. It contains vitamin C, K, E, B6, copper, potassium, folate, pantothenic acid and more.

2. Healthy Fat
Avocados are loaded with good monounsaturated fats which greatly help lower the cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Cholesterol Levels
As we mentioned above, this fruit does a great job when it comes to lowering the blood triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, while increasing the HDL levels.

4. Aphrodisiac
This greenish fruit is filled with saturated fats as well, which play a positive role when it comes to testosterone in our bodies and improving the sex drive.

5. Weight Loss
Consuming avocados on a regular basis will make you feel full and prevent food, snacks, and sugar cravings.

6. Blood Pressure
All the potassium stored in avocados help regulate blood pressure.

7. Nutrient Absorption
Adding avocados to your meals helps boost the nutrients absorption processes in the body.

8. Arthritis
Numerous studies have shown that the extracts from avocado and soybean oil can efficiently treat the
arthritissymptoms of the bones, known as osteoarthritis.

9. Eye Health
The fruit has been found to contain large amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein, two components which can help slow down and reverse the process of macular
degeneration, and thus improve eye health.

10. Pregnancy
Avocados are packed with potassium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin B6, and all of these are essential for the baby’s tissue and brain development, as well as the fetus development.

11. Prevents Diabetes
Consuming half or a whole avocado per day will greatly help your body in regulating blood glucose levels, insulin and lower the overall risk of diabetes.

12. Fiber
Avocados are rich in fiber as well, 25% soluble and 75% insoluble.

13. Bone Health
Consuming this fruit on a regular basis will help strengthen the bones, as the fruit itself contains copper, vitamin K and folate.
Source: naturalcuresworld.com

NTSA: DL, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher, Lifesaver (Reflector), LED

Carrying a DL in Kenya: It is no longer mandatory for licensed drivers to carry their physical driving licenses. This follows a statement by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA).

According to the NTSA, drivers can drive on Kenyan roads without physical licenses as long as they can prove by any other means that they are duly licensed.
The NTSA further says that it has developed an application that enables one to verify status of any driving license. This can be used as evidence that one is duly licensed.
“Section 36 (2) of the Traffic Act allows a motorists to produce other evidence to satisfy the police that the motorist is duly licensed as per the requirements of Section 30,” the Authority said in a statement.

Section 36 (2) of the Traffic Act states a driving license or provisional license include such other evidence as will satisfy the police that there is no contravention of Section 30, which basically requires a driver to have a valid license.

“To this end, NTSA has developed an application that enables one to verify the status of any driving license and this can be used as evidence that a motorist is duly licensed,” the NTSA said.

The NTSA had also earlier clarified that although all public service vehicles (PSVs) are expected to have first aid kits and fire extinguishers, it was not mandatory for private motorists to have the same.

“Section 55 of the Traffic Rules is clear that only PSVs are required to carry fire extinguishers and first aid kits. Private vehicles are only required to have lifesavers,” NTSA said. The authority has also banned the use of LED lights on vehicles.

Manage WhatsApp Data easily (Photos, Videos, Audio & Documents)

WhatsApp application has recently become a common tool for communication. It has gained fame among many people, organizations, families etc.

It is a better alternative to normal text messaging as it gives the user a wide variety of things to chose from and additional features. These include sending photos, videos, audio clips, recordings, documents (Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Video calling among others.

The WhatsApp messaging application however comes with its own challenges. Not everyone loves forwarded messages and images downloaded straight into their phones. This is especially so when members of a group send or share numerous photos, videos, audio clips or documents and all these are "Automatically downloaded" into the phones internal storage and gallery. These could either be too much and unnecessary or inappropriate for viewing/explicit content for children.

The good news is that WhatsApp application has an amazing inbuilt data management mechanism that helps one to chose what to download and when. This can be easily done through the "WhatsApp Settings" option..

1. Open WhatsApp
2. Go to "Settings" (Three dots on the top right/Bottom)
3. Select "Data and Storage Usage"
4. Choose "Media Auto-download" (When using mobile data and when connected to Wi-Fi)
5. Uncheck all (photo, audio, video and documents) options for both Mobile data and Wi-Fi connectivity.

NB: This will not prevent you from accessing, downloading and viewing the content. It will help you to choose what to download and what not to download.

This way, you don't have to worry about being in groups and hurriedly exiting them to avoid too much data being used to download unnecessary things.

Recommendation: WhatsApp company should make the application in a way that the "default" data settings is set not to download anything regardless of whether one is using mobile data, Wi-Fi or roaming.

Jeremiah Oyongo MAUTI
+254 723 784 341
Facebook - Jeremy BigBrother
Twitter - @JeremyBigBro
Instagram - @JeremyBigBro